Thursday, October 8, 2015

Oaxacan Owls
Third graders created these playful buhos
(owls) sculptures based on the colorful craft of Oaxacan animal carvings or animalitos (little animals). Traditionally, these sculptures are painted in festive designs and patterns that are symbolic of the Oaxacan region of Mexico. Master artisans pass on their trade from generation to generation resulting in recognizable signature styles for each family.

Fourth Grade:
Observational Shoe Drawing


Hand measuring


American Sign Language Prints
5th graders learned about Chuck Baird, an artist who uses American Sign Language in his paintings. Students illustrated a letter from the American Sign Language alphabet. Playful patterns fill the negative space to provide visual interest. Students carefully used the printmaking techniques demonstrated in class to make several colorful prints.


Sunday, October 4, 2015

First Grade Cezanne Style Apples

Paul Cezanne Style Still-Life
First graders drew circles and turned them into dimensional spheres by combining two colors in each apple. Working from light to dark colors developed student’s painting skills. Interesting line patterns were placed in the background. Can you identify the use of overlapping in the pictures?
Paul Cezanne Style Still-Life
First graders drew circles and turned them into dimensional spheres by combining two colors in each apple. Working from light to dark colors developed student’s painting skills. Interesting line patterns were placed in the background. Can you identify the use of overlapping in the pictures?