
Kindergarten Paul Klee Cityscapes with Texture, Shapes, Horizontal, Diagonal and Vertical Lines

Louise Nevelson Style Wood Collages

Snowy Day Collages

Kindergarten and Fifth Grade Printmaking Collaboration

Jackson Pollack Style Paintings

Kindergarten Gyotaku Fish Print Collages

Mr. Seahorse
A Classroom Connection:

Picasso Syle Peace Bouquets 
Color Mixing and Collage!

Cutting, gluing, spacial placement (horizon line) and texture all came together in this playful collage based on the kindergarten book "The Snowy Day" by Jack Ezra Keats

Kindergarten reviewed horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines as well as the primary colors in these lovely geometric paintings!

Kindergarten Kitties!
Line, Shape, Pattern, Cutting, Gluing Overlapping and Drawing!

Collaborative Printmaking With Fifth Grade Using Veggies From The Hatch Patch

Mister Seahorse Collages


Coral Reef
Warm and Cool Colors
Eric Carle
Printing Stations

Ceramic Pinch Pots

Paul Klee Style Cities and Self Portraits

Abstract Paintings in the Style of Joan Miro


Joan Miro was a Spanish artist. He created very playful paintings using primary and secondary colorsorganic shapes and different types of line

Cut and Collaged Color Mixing Penguins!

Paul Cezanne Style Still-Life

Kindergartners practiced their scissor safety and the proper way to cut while creating these delicious apples and big bowls. Interesting line patterns were placed in the background. Can you identify the horizon line and the use of overlapping in the pictures?

Cutting, collaging and pattern are all combined to create these adorable Kindergarten cats!

Paul Cezanne inspired Still-Lifes

Kindergartners learn about Overlapping and Horizon Lines.....

Kindergarten discussed the importance of family and friends over material objects. Here they created their own Rainbow Fish using Foil, each is special in its imperfections.

In 1958 Pablo Picasso painted these hands holding flowers as a symbol of friendship and peace. The style is similar to that of a child's, which kindergarten thought made sense. When asked who they think is more peaceful, adults or kids they replied with an astounding "KIDS!!" Below you will find traced hands holding torn paper bouquets as a sign of peacefulness and this early spring weather!



Wow-Kindergarten Layer Houses

What similarities do your body and a building have in common? A lot! Can you identify what part of the building is most like your skeleton, lungs, eyes, mouth, and skin? Kindergarten can!